According to current nutritional research, you and I are supposed to be eating 5-12 servings of fresh vegetables and fruit every day to achieve optimal health and to protect our bodies from free radicals and various serious illnesses.
Now, let me ask you: How many people do you know who do this on a daily basis?
I bet that if you took a poll today, you'd find that only about 5 people out of a 100 actually eat 5-12 servings of vegetables and fruit every day. And this "guesstimate" is probably high; it's probably more like 2% of the population.
Why is this the case here in America and the Western world?
I would suggest that there are several reasons. First, we are no longer an agricultural-based society, so we are much removed from the farm and growing crops and having our own gardens and fruit trees. This means that we are almost entirely dependent upon supermarkets to provide us with vegetables and fruits. Here the problem gets more complicated because the vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets often comes from thousands of miles away and are picked way before they are ripe. In addition, most of the produce is grown with pesticides and herbicides, which means our bodies are getting a toxic overload when we eat this supermarket produce. Furthermore, most supermarkets charge a lot of money for fresh fruit and berries, and even vegetables are getting pricier these days. In other words, it's not cheap to buy plenty of good quality produce.
Secondly, buying,washing, and storing vegetables and fruit is just too time-consuming for many people's fast-paced lifestyles. They may try buying it, but they get tired of having to wash it and prepare it for meals, so a lot of it goes to waste. As a result of this problem, some people resort to eating only frozen or canned vegetables and fruit (which is not healthy), or they just stop eating fruits and vegetables altogether.
The end result is that most people are not eating 5-12 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day...they're not even coming close. On a good day, they may eat 1 or 2 servings, and on their best day, maybe 3 or 4 servings. On an average day, none or maybe 1.
What's the answer to this situation?
Here's what I would recommend to you and your family.
#1 - Make a commitment to start buying and eating fresh produce again. Learn to put up with the inconvenience of it for the sake of your health. Look for produce markets that carry fresh organic vegetables and fruit, and do your shopping there and not at your local supermarket.
#2 - Start taking the Feast every day, both you and your family. The Feast is a live whole food based InstaFresh juice powder that you simply add to water, mix, and drink. It's made by URI International, and it's loaded with the most nutritionally powerful greens and vegetables, fruits and berries, on the earth.

Why should you be taking this whole food nutritional supplement?
Simply because it's a way for you and your family to fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet and to help you get the 5-12 servings of vegetables and fruit into your body every day. It's like having the whole produce aisle in a glass that you can drink in 20 seconds. It's convenient, lifestyle friendly, and extremely nutritious. In addition, it actually tastes great; your kids will love it too!
What's in the Feast?
The Feast is the one and only live whole food supplement on the planet that delivers a full, synergistic spectrum of:
* 30 antioxidant rich fruits and berries * 30 powerful greens and vegetables * 11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts, and sprouts * 83+ active enzymes and fulvic minerals * 22 strains of resilient living probiotics
I have, and I drink them every day in the form of the Feast, and you can too.
For more information on the Feast, call and listen to this pre-recorded audio overview of the Feast by Uri LeBaron: 1-732-463-6339
Or click here for more information: The Feast by URI
Taking the Feast daily is one of the keys to good nutrition and tips to eating healthy. Once you start taking it, your body will be getting the nutrition that it currently lacks, and you'll feel the difference. I personally feel much more energetic, I feel full for a long time and have fewer junk food cravings, and I feel much more alive putting live whole food into my body.
According to current nutritional research, you and I are supposed to be eating 5-12 servings of fresh vegetables and fruit every day to achieve optimal health and to protect our bodies from free radicals and various serious illnesses.
Now, let me ask you: How many people do you know who do this on a daily basis?
I bet that if you took a poll today, you'd find that only about 5 people out of a 100 actually eat 5-12 servings of vegetables and fruit every day. And this "guesstimate" is probably high; it's probably more like 2% of the population.
Why is this the case here in America and the Western world?
I would suggest that there are several reasons. First, we are no longer an agricultural-based society, so we are much removed from the farm and growing crops and having our own gardens and fruit trees. This means that we are almost entirely dependent upon supermarkets to provide us with vegetables and fruits. Here the problem gets more complicated because the vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets often comes from thousands of miles away and are picked way before they are ripe. In addition, most of the produce is grown with pesticides and herbicides, which means our bodies are getting a toxic overload when we eat this supermarket produce. Furthermore, most supermarkets charge a lot of money for fresh fruit and berries, and even vegetables are getting pricier these days. In other words, it's not cheap to buy plenty of good quality produce.
Secondly, buying,washing, and storing vegetables and fruit is just too time-consuming for many people's fast-paced lifestyles. They may try buying it, but they get tired of having to wash it and prepare it for meals, so a lot of it goes to waste. As a result of this problem, some people resort to eating only frozen or canned vegetables and fruit (which is not healthy), or they just stop eating fruits and vegetables altogether.
The end result is that most people are not eating 5-12 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day...they're not even coming close. On a good day, they may eat 1 or 2 servings, and on their best day, maybe 3 or 4 servings. On an average day, none or maybe 1.
What's the answer to this situation?
Here's what I would recommend to you and your family.
#1 - Make a commitment to start buying and eating fresh produce again. Learn to put up with the inconvenience of it for the sake of your health. Look for produce markets that carry fresh organic vegetables and fruit, and do your shopping there and not at your local supermarket.
#2 - Start taking the Feast every day, both you and your family. The Feast is a live whole food based InstaFresh juice powder that you simply add to water, mix, and drink. It's made by URI International, and it's loaded with the most nutritionally powerful greens and vegetables, fruits and berries, on the earth.

Why should you be taking this whole food nutritional supplement?
Simply because it's a way for you and your family to fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet and to help you get the 5-12 servings of vegetables and fruit into your body every day. It's like having the whole produce aisle in a glass that you can drink in 20 seconds. It's convenient, lifestyle friendly, and extremely nutritious. In addition, it actually tastes great; your kids will love it too!
What's in the Feast?
The Feast is the one and only live whole food supplement on the planet that delivers a full, synergistic spectrum of:
* 30 antioxidant rich fruits and berries * 30 powerful greens and vegetables * 11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts, and sprouts * 83+ active enzymes and fulvic minerals * 22 strains of resilient living probiotics
I have, and I drink them every day in the form of the Feast, and you can too.
For more information on the Feast, call and listen to this pre-recorded audio overview of the Feast by Uri LeBaron: 1-732-463-6339
Or click here for more information: The Feast by URI
Taking the Feast daily is one of the keys to good nutrition and tips to eating healthy. Once you start taking it, your body will be getting the nutrition that it currently lacks, and you'll feel the difference. I personally feel much more energetic, I feel full for a long time and have fewer junk food cravings, and I feel much more alive putting live whole food into my body.