Saturday, March 1, 2008

Visit Trader Joe's - Keys to Good Nutrition & Tips to Eating Healthy Feast on Organic Whole Foods


I'd like to recommend one of my favorite healthy grocery stores.

It's called T R A D E R J O E ' S and I just love this place!

At first glance, it may not look like a health food store because about 20% of the store is stocked with various kinds of wines and alcoholic beverages. Because of the dangers of sulfites and other chemicals which end up in wine, I wouldn't necessarily call wine a health food or healthy drink. Therefore, I want you to know that I'm really writing to share about the 80% of the rest of the store which is food products.

One more thing I need to clarify is that all of Trader Joe's food is NOT healthy. To put it another way, there are quite a few items in the store that I would classify as NOT healthy. However, in spite of the wine, alcoholic beverages, and some unhealthy foods, for the most part this is a great store to find very healthy food at a very reasonable price.

I encourage you to check out Trader Joe's and try some of their healthy foods. You will find them very reasonably priced; in fact, I believe they are considerably cheaper than most health food stores such as Whole Foods Market and Henry's.

While you're there, pick up one of their "Trader Joe's Fearless Flyers." In this newspaper format flyer, you can learn all about their latest products. Here are some examples of healthy foods that T.J.'s carries and that are writte up in this Fearless Flyer.

Hearty Wholesome Organic Instant Oatmeal, Organic Salad Kit, Multigrain Pastas with Flax, Complete Body Cleanse Internal Cleansing System, All Natural Ground Chicken, Quinoa Wheat Bread, Spinach and Feta Stuffed Norwegian Salmon, 17 Bean & Barley Soup Mix, California Estate Grown Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Agave Sweetener, Pure Psyllium, Olive Tapenade with Kalamata and Black Olives, Go Raw Trek Mix, Organic Marinara, etc.

Where's the nearest Trader Joe's?

Check out Trader Joe's website for locations, maps, and door-to-door driving directions.


Go and visit this store soon. You'll be glad you did and you'll be thanking me for years!

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May God bless you with health, longevity, and prosperity,
, Husband, Father, and the

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